Machine Pallet Wrap
  • Machine Pallet Wrap

Machine Pallet Wrap

Wrapping a plethora of pallets? You might be better off with a machine. If so, you’ll be needing our Machine Pallet Wrap, aka stretch film. You can choose from Standard or Power Pre-Stretch varieties, with thicknesses ranging from 6 microns up to a seriously heavy-duty 30 microns. With impressive features such as an elongated stretch of 350%, our economical and efficient Machine Pallet Wrap range will give your wrapping operation what it needs. 

Get in touch for more information about what machine wrapping can do for you. 

Click here to view our pallet wrap machines

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Reference Width (mm) Colour Micron Description Pallet Quantity Stretch
MPW17ST 500 Clear 17 Standard Machine 46 150%
MPW20ST 500 Clear 20 Standard Machine 46 150%
MPW23ST 500 Clear 23 Standard Machine 46 150%
MPW30ST 500 Clear 30 Standard Machine 46 150%
MPW12PPS 500 Clear 12 Power Pre Stretch 46 250%
MPW15PPS 500 Clear 15 Power Pre Stretch 46 250%
MPW17PPS 500 Clear 17 Power Pre Stretch 46 250%
MPW20PPS 500 Clear 20 Power Pre Stretch 46 250%
MPW23PPS 500 Clear 23 Power Pre Stretch 46 250%
MPW23PPSWH 500 White 23 Power Pre Stretch 46 250%
MPW23PPSBL 500 Blue 23 Power Pre Stretch 46 250%
MPW25PPSB 500 Black 25 Power Pre Stretch 46 250%
MPW12NAN 500 Clear 12 Super Power Pre Stretch 46 400%