Masking Tape
  • Masking Tape

Masking Tape

You need Masking Tape that sticks enough to stay put where you place it but not so much it leaves a trace of it ever having been there. You need our Masking Tape. It’s economical, easy-tear and comes with solvent adhesive (for when you need to give it some real stick). 

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Reference Size (mm) Length (m) Description Colour Box Quantity
T25MGP 25 50 General Purpose Masking Tape White 72
T35MGP 38 50 General Purpose Masking Tape White 48
T45MGP 48 50 General Purpose Masking Tape White 36
T75MGP 75 50 General Purpose Masking Tape White 24
T45MTSOL 48 50 Solvent Masking Tape White 36